Dear Guest,
welcome to taxation.de, a website on International Taxation from a German point of view.
The idea of taxation.de was born at the Café Bali in Amsterdam during October 1998 together with Carlo Romano from Italy and Fernando Serrano from Spain, when, at the occasion of a visit to the IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documention) one of the IBFD-staff members, Toni Amonn from Switzerland, presented his own hompage taxation.ch at the internet-access of the café.
I am an tax expert and not an internet-pro. My main objective is keep up a webpage rendering information of International Taxation mainly by providing know-how via the literature-databases.
However, most of my professional activities are focused on advising expatriates in Germany. Please refer to the expatriate-site.
Taxation.de is provided by Albert Rädler jr.
Please note that Albert Raedler joined the EU-Commission as of January 1, 2003. For all professional assistance in tax matters, please refer to Martina Konle (takonle@gmx.de)
Curriculum Vitae
born 1965 in Munich, Germany; 1985 - 1991: studies of Business Administration at the University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart - the home town of DaimlerChrylser AG);
1992: postgraduate-studies in “Fiscalité de l’Entreprise” at the Université Paris
IX-Dauphine (degree: DESS); 1993: collaboration with the reknown French law firm Bureau Francis Lefebvre in Neuilly/Paris;
1993 - 1996: collaboration in the International Tax Department of the Big 5-firm Deloitte
& Touche in Munich; 1996 - 1999: Assistent teacher at the Tax Department of the Economics Faculty of the University of Freiburg; 1997: Bar Exam for becoming Certified Tax Consultant; 1999: research traineeship at the DG TAXUD of the Commission of the European Communities; since 2000: tax consultant in Munich and preparation of the PH-D.-thesis on the “Comparative Analysis of the Tax Treatment of Share Exchanges in
the European Union”
Languages: perfect knowledge of English and French
Hobbies: Biking Biking Biking....